外面还在下雨.. 现在已经晚上十二点半了.. 今天就马来新年了.. 刚刚send了一封新年快乐的msg给比较熟的马来同学.. (会华语的..呵呵..) 她邀请我去她家.. 我觉得挺sweet的^^种族和谐~~
本来想换一首歌就走了.. 怎知Sally来催我blogging.. 说是每次进来都看到我的大脸.. ( >< 不好咩?!) 哈哈哈哈哈..
好久都没用中文写部落格了.. 有点不习惯.. 有时还是英文比较好写.. 比较快.. 最重要的还是要习惯多用才会进步.. 不是我臭屁,事实真的如此..
今天中午在店楼上和妹妹还有刚从新加坡回来的堂姐哈拉.. 突然听到外面的大路上有人吹喇叭的声音.. (那一秒下意识我以为是那种不懂什么阿拉伯人吹喇叭引蛇从篮子里出来 == ) 哈哈..
我和我妹就冲去窗前面看.. 竟然看到一个瞎子在吹喇叭.. 他左手上还有拿着一支盲人棍.. 那支盲人棍下面绑着绳子.. 连着绳子的是一个白色,四方形的大轮盘.. 轮盘上的瘸子用套着手套的双手放在地上用力的往后推,向前移..
瘸子用他的眼睛和双手带领瞎子往前走.. 好多人都看到很不忍心, 走前去把钱放进大轮盘上的milo桶.. 我看到都快哭了..
我马上下楼去,本想也去投个几块钱.. 只是他们越走越远.. 他们竟然这样乞讨.. 难道他们没有家人了吗?! 他们的家人怎么能够忍心丢下这样无依无靠的残障人士呢??
Gossip Girl Season 3 已经出了..
老实说我挺不喜欢Jenny的.. 感觉他们那家子好像总爱跟有钱人攀关系的感觉.. 就算他们的父母是因为真心相爱才再结婚.. 但我还是觉得他们有种想进上流社会的心机..
希望Blair和Chuck能够长久吧~~ Chuck变得稳重了很多, 小两口也为了让对方开心互相忍让..
挺好的~~ ^^
上星期听芬说Tampin有人参加华丽小姐, 是她姐姐的朋友, 街上那间水果店的女儿, 还是曾经是我们学校的学生窝..
芬说我应该看过, 她Form 5的时候我们大概Form 1 ..
今天就特地7点准时看了下, 也还好, 至少没丢Tampin人脸, 成功从25强挤进了15强..
两个星期没什么上线.. 平时最常做的事当然就是听歌啦~~ 现在就来分享下我最近常听,和喜爱的歌吧~~
大多数都是我最爱的歌手, Taylor Swift,Lady Gaga,Kelly Clarkson,Colbie Caillat,Mariah Carey等等.. 下面有放一个 × 在前面的代表我当中最喜欢的.. (可是几乎都是喜欢的吧~~ ==)
× You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift × White Horse - Taylor Swift × Crazier - Taylor Swift
× My Life Would Suck Without You - Kelly Clarkson Already Gone - Kelly Clarkson I do not hook up - Kelly Clarkson × I Gotta Feeling - Black Eyes Peas
Battlefield - Jordin Sparks × Big Girl Now - Lady Gaga ft.New Kid on the Block × Eh,Eh(Nothing else i can say) - Lady Gaga × I Wanna - The All-American Rejects × Fallin' For You - Colbie Caillat × Lucky - Jason Mraz ft.Colbie Caillat
× His Mistake - Ne-yo Me Without You - Ne-yo × Homecoming - Hey Monday × Obbesed - Mariah Carey My Love - The-Dream ft.Mariah Carey × Don't Trust Me - 3OH!3
× I Look To You - Whitney Houston × Salute - Whitney Houston × Worth It - Whitney Houston Love Drunk - Boys like Girls × That's What You Get - Paramore
× The Fear - Lily Allen She Wolf - Shakira × Star Are Blind - Paris Hilton Stronger - Mary J.Blige The One - Mary J.Blige ft.Drake
看吧!? 全部都超好听的 ^^ 一眼望去.. 我最近好像没什么听中文歌耶~~ 呵呵呵..
现在一点半, 我已经写了一个小时了..
用中文需要写好久哦 TT 套一句芬姐姐的话来用,
"我的中文已经不胜当年了.." 真的T-T 差到都快哭了 ..
马来同胞们,和所有亲朋好友们, Selamat Hari Raya oh~~
(一个星期假期,超爽的 ~~>v<~~ ) 呵呵..
 Nothing can stop the time .. No one can stop the worse thing ..
I Hate Aging !! ~~><~~
Time past really fast ya ..
A lot of thing happened in this 2 week .. Some good , n some bad .. XP
- I cut my hair adi .. - Go Afamosa with my lovely family .. =] - Go sing K with friends .. (Really siock >V<) - Happy dating with some friends .. - My dad masuk hospital .. - Keep worrying for my dad when i'm school.. - Study until so late n keep panic in a few days .. - Memorizing 36 nilai moral n the akta-akta .. ( Omg .. only God n Jesus know how hard i've been memorizing all these ?! ) - Gossiping with my few lovely girls^^ - And blar blar blar that i can't remember just now .. XP
And , and , and , I finally can having a sweet dream for 2 days .. for crying out load !!! T^T ..
I've been so tired n so sleepy to past this few days .. Really , really sleepy ..
For next week , Only few papers i have to take , for only 2 subject .. Because the ICT paper have been postponed to 18/9 (Last day) .. So only take 2 days to finish , n i think the other days i will be absent .. hehe ..
My little sister having her UPSR examination next week .. Hope she can do with her best .. And i will pray for her all the time .. XD
But then she can enjoy his holidays adi .. T^T..Damn jealous .. Haha ~~>V<~~ I have to wake up early tomorrow morning for my tuition .. So , bye ya .. =]
(Maybe leaving for few days to faces the trial-exam ..)
A more detailed biography here.
Maybe not the most privacy , but always the most detailed. =]
Name 全名 : Kay , xiaoqI/X.qI(YAngxiaoqI)
Places I stay 所在地区 : Malaysia, Melaka ,Tampin
Gender 性别 : Miss
Age 年龄 : 17
Date of Birth 出生日 : 13/12/1992 (Sagittarius) XD
Occupation 职业,学历: Secondary School's Student (Form 5)
School Name : PSSS / SMJKPS
Height 身高 : 152 cm (I know i'm freaky short.. ==)
Weight 体重 : 46-47 KG (Ugh .. So fat ==)
Blood Type 血型: B+
Msn : Ask for it ^^
I Love : Family, Bessie n chums, music, DBSK, laughing, money, brands, drama/movie, shopping, computers, gabbing, starbuck, books, photography, autumn, winter, snow, star and sleeping.
I Hate : Insects, faker, double-faces, vegetable, tears, hot day, sunlight, smoke, get sick, raining when i'm outsides, dirt, dank and dingy meadow,harsh weather, assembly.
The most memorable things : The concert of DBSK when i'm 15 years old.. XD
The wishes :
-DBSK come again after my SPM XP
-Money money money
-My hair can grow up faster
-My skin colour can fade faster
-Get flying colour in every exam (==")
links here=]
外面还在下雨.. 现在已经晚上十二点半了.. 今天就马来新年了.. 刚刚send了一封新年快乐的msg给比较熟的马来同学.. (会华语的..呵呵..) 她邀请我去她家.. 我觉得挺sweet的^^种族和谐~~
本来想换一首歌就走了.. 怎知Sally来催我blogging.. 说是每次进来都看到我的大脸.. ( >< 不好咩?!) 哈哈哈哈哈..
好久都没用中文写部落格了.. 有点不习惯.. 有时还是英文比较好写.. 比较快.. 最重要的还是要习惯多用才会进步.. 不是我臭屁,事实真的如此..
今天中午在店楼上和妹妹还有刚从新加坡回来的堂姐哈拉.. 突然听到外面的大路上有人吹喇叭的声音.. (那一秒下意识我以为是那种不懂什么阿拉伯人吹喇叭引蛇从篮子里出来 == ) 哈哈..
我和我妹就冲去窗前面看.. 竟然看到一个瞎子在吹喇叭.. 他左手上还有拿着一支盲人棍.. 那支盲人棍下面绑着绳子.. 连着绳子的是一个白色,四方形的大轮盘.. 轮盘上的瘸子用套着手套的双手放在地上用力的往后推,向前移..
瘸子用他的眼睛和双手带领瞎子往前走.. 好多人都看到很不忍心, 走前去把钱放进大轮盘上的milo桶.. 我看到都快哭了..
我马上下楼去,本想也去投个几块钱.. 只是他们越走越远.. 他们竟然这样乞讨.. 难道他们没有家人了吗?! 他们的家人怎么能够忍心丢下这样无依无靠的残障人士呢??
Gossip Girl Season 3 已经出了..
老实说我挺不喜欢Jenny的.. 感觉他们那家子好像总爱跟有钱人攀关系的感觉.. 就算他们的父母是因为真心相爱才再结婚.. 但我还是觉得他们有种想进上流社会的心机..
希望Blair和Chuck能够长久吧~~ Chuck变得稳重了很多, 小两口也为了让对方开心互相忍让..
挺好的~~ ^^
上星期听芬说Tampin有人参加华丽小姐, 是她姐姐的朋友, 街上那间水果店的女儿, 还是曾经是我们学校的学生窝..
芬说我应该看过, 她Form 5的时候我们大概Form 1 ..
今天就特地7点准时看了下, 也还好, 至少没丢Tampin人脸, 成功从25强挤进了15强..
两个星期没什么上线.. 平时最常做的事当然就是听歌啦~~ 现在就来分享下我最近常听,和喜爱的歌吧~~
大多数都是我最爱的歌手, Taylor Swift,Lady Gaga,Kelly Clarkson,Colbie Caillat,Mariah Carey等等.. 下面有放一个 × 在前面的代表我当中最喜欢的.. (可是几乎都是喜欢的吧~~ ==)
× You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift × White Horse - Taylor Swift × Crazier - Taylor Swift
× My Life Would Suck Without You - Kelly Clarkson Already Gone - Kelly Clarkson I do not hook up - Kelly Clarkson × I Gotta Feeling - Black Eyes Peas
Battlefield - Jordin Sparks × Big Girl Now - Lady Gaga ft.New Kid on the Block × Eh,Eh(Nothing else i can say) - Lady Gaga × I Wanna - The All-American Rejects × Fallin' For You - Colbie Caillat × Lucky - Jason Mraz ft.Colbie Caillat
× His Mistake - Ne-yo Me Without You - Ne-yo × Homecoming - Hey Monday × Obbesed - Mariah Carey My Love - The-Dream ft.Mariah Carey × Don't Trust Me - 3OH!3
× I Look To You - Whitney Houston × Salute - Whitney Houston × Worth It - Whitney Houston Love Drunk - Boys like Girls × That's What You Get - Paramore
× The Fear - Lily Allen She Wolf - Shakira × Star Are Blind - Paris Hilton Stronger - Mary J.Blige The One - Mary J.Blige ft.Drake
看吧!? 全部都超好听的 ^^ 一眼望去.. 我最近好像没什么听中文歌耶~~ 呵呵呵..
现在一点半, 我已经写了一个小时了..
用中文需要写好久哦 TT 套一句芬姐姐的话来用,
"我的中文已经不胜当年了.." 真的T-T 差到都快哭了 ..
马来同胞们,和所有亲朋好友们, Selamat Hari Raya oh~~
(一个星期假期,超爽的 ~~>v<~~ ) 呵呵..
 Nothing can stop the time .. No one can stop the worse thing ..
I Hate Aging !! ~~><~~
Time past really fast ya ..
A lot of thing happened in this 2 week .. Some good , n some bad .. XP
- I cut my hair adi .. - Go Afamosa with my lovely family .. =] - Go sing K with friends .. (Really siock >V<) - Happy dating with some friends .. - My dad masuk hospital .. - Keep worrying for my dad when i'm school.. - Study until so late n keep panic in a few days .. - Memorizing 36 nilai moral n the akta-akta .. ( Omg .. only God n Jesus know how hard i've been memorizing all these ?! ) - Gossiping with my few lovely girls^^ - And blar blar blar that i can't remember just now .. XP
And , and , and , I finally can having a sweet dream for 2 days .. for crying out load !!! T^T ..
I've been so tired n so sleepy to past this few days .. Really , really sleepy ..
For next week , Only few papers i have to take , for only 2 subject .. Because the ICT paper have been postponed to 18/9 (Last day) .. So only take 2 days to finish , n i think the other days i will be absent .. hehe ..
My little sister having her UPSR examination next week .. Hope she can do with her best .. And i will pray for her all the time .. XD
But then she can enjoy his holidays adi .. T^T..Damn jealous .. Haha ~~>V<~~ I have to wake up early tomorrow morning for my tuition .. So , bye ya .. =]
(Maybe leaving for few days to faces the trial-exam ..)