Keep smiling even i'm torn..
Keep repeating this song .. Feel like this song are sang for me.. The lyrics like what i feel,what i wan to say..
I know this maybe hard for me.. But i will try my best, Keep smiling even i'm torn.. Acting like nothing even i'm hurt.. Thanks,Sally.. I understand what u r trying to tell me..
For the people that hate me or dislike me: Get off , don't come to my place.. Don't come and read then gossiping behind me.. I know what are u think behind ur fake's faces..
Olivia Lufkin - Winter Sleep Lyrics It keeps coming back to meI remember this painIt spreads across my eyesEverything is dullEveryone's smiling, they're smilingIt pushes me far far awayI can't understandEverything is blueCan you hear me out there?Will you hold me now...? Hold me now, My frozen heartI'm gazing from the distance andI feel everything pass through meI can't be alone right nowWill you hold me now...? Hold me now, My frozen heartI'm lost in a deep winter sleepI can't seem to find my way out aloneCan you wake me?I know when I let it inIt hides love from this momentSo I guard it closeI watch the move it makesBut ir gets me, but it gets meI wish I could understand how ICould make it disappear, make it disappearAnyone out there hear me now?Will you hold me now...? Hold me now, My frozen heartKiss my lips and maybe you can take to your world for nowI can't be alone right nowWill you hold me now...? Hold me now, My frozen heartPlease make it all go awayAm I ever gonna feel myself again?I hope I willWill you hold me now...? Hold me now, My frozen heartI'm gazing from the distance andI feel everything pass through meI can't be alone right nowWill you hold me now...? Hold me now, My frozen heartI'm lost in a deep winter sleepI can't seem to find my way out aloneCan you wake me?
 Not bad ..
I've finish the BM Folio .. burnt the CD .. and planing to pass up tomorrow to get the bonus marks .. XD
Get all the exam's result adi .. Like i said, Add math , Chemis and Physics still diden get pass .. XP But the other subject still not bad ..
Result: BM > 49 (Teacher said she will add marks after we pass up folio >V<) ICT > 75 (Added the 30 marks of the assignment ..)
Really hope that the result can keep it and be better than this times .. haiz .. Only three weeks left for me to face the Pra-SPM ..
(Not enough la TT .. )
×××××× " Prevention is better than cure ?? " Erm .. Right wut~~
My school and my tuition's teacher both had said the same sentences ..^^
Now I wore mask whole day except when i'm in the class .. Cause it's too hot to wear it for a long times..
Wear it and take off , wear it and take off .. Keep repeating like that at the class.. I wonder the prevention is really useless if i do like that .. == ×××××× Tomorrow is SHinn's birthday ^^
So i wish her can get what she wants .. Including the Gucci's perfume~~ XD And get the letter with the good news from Taiwan..
Happy for the 17th Birthday neh ~~ GuaGua~~ ^^
Forever TVXQ .. Forever Cassiopeia ..
Though I can't accept if they really dismiss .. But i'll always support their decision if they really want to do it ..
But for now , I wonder and I believe of them.. Will not make it that worst ..
Cassiopeia and TVXQ .. For now .. And Forever ..
I always believe on it .. Cause we belong to each other .. =]
I wonder..
今天班上冷冷清清.. 最吵的那几个没来 XD 平时热闹闹的5SC2变得好安静..
好多人都病了.. 大家要照顾好身体.. 就在刚刚Sally在msn才告诉我她实习的马大医院也有人确诊了.. 真担心..
前个星期就把ICT assignment做完了.. 现在也在赶BM Folio..
也在那个礼拜弄到Cikgu Fatimah生气了.. 真的很对不起..
虽然我们没有希望, 但你一直都对我们有所期望.. 而且你和我们班的感情最好.. 但我们竟然你气哭了.. 让你对我们很失望..
Really sorry teacher.. We won't do it again.. There's won't be the next times to happen those things.. Sorry cause we let u feel disappointed..
我听说了.. 在过几个月Cikgu Fatimah 就不在我们学校教书了.. 好舍不得..
而且就要毕业了.. 好多人我都好舍不得..TT
拜六那天也和Mary娟娟^^去喝茶.. 好开心.. 也聊了很多~~ 好久没看到美芳了TT 本来有叫她.. 但她还是不得空==
哈哈哈.. 下次吧~~~ 也好久没三个人去唱K了..XD 哇哈哈哈..
我就是看"它"不爽啦.. 算了, 这也不是三天两头的事了..
没关系, 再过几个月就可以不用天天洗眼睛了.. XP
考了三天的小考.. 让我认清了我的level.. 真是不读不行了..
目前分数: BI > 66 Math > 40 Sejarah > 57 Add math > Fail 掉 == Moral > 58 BC > 68 我很想撞墙 ==
BM 和 ICT 应该是明天派.. Chemis 和 Physics就不知道..
派Moral 的时候给老师念了几句 == 本来分数少少都有6或7字头的.. 但少写一些人物进去就变到这种分了==..
我真的对我自己很失望.. 我的华语真的越来越差.. 我是要靠这科来吃A的啊~~
好生气我自己.. 为什么不坚持自己的答案TT 下次考pra, 再没有多过75分.. 我就真的会哭死了TT 呜呜呜呜..
真是糟糕.. 下个月就pra exam了.. 真不懂怎么办好..
看朋友们都开始卯起来读书了.. 我也越来越紧张..
唉.. 还能怎样..
A more detailed biography here.
Maybe not the most privacy , but always the most detailed. =]
Name 全名 : Kay , xiaoqI/X.qI(YAngxiaoqI)
Places I stay 所在地区 : Malaysia, Melaka ,Tampin
Gender 性别 : Miss
Age 年龄 : 17
Date of Birth 出生日 : 13/12/1992 (Sagittarius) XD
Occupation 职业,学历: Secondary School's Student (Form 5)
School Name : PSSS / SMJKPS
Height 身高 : 152 cm (I know i'm freaky short.. ==)
Weight 体重 : 46-47 KG (Ugh .. So fat ==)
Blood Type 血型: B+
Msn : Ask for it ^^
I Love : Family, Bessie n chums, music, DBSK, laughing, money, brands, drama/movie, shopping, computers, gabbing, starbuck, books, photography, autumn, winter, snow, star and sleeping.
I Hate : Insects, faker, double-faces, vegetable, tears, hot day, sunlight, smoke, get sick, raining when i'm outsides, dirt, dank and dingy meadow,harsh weather, assembly.
The most memorable things : The concert of DBSK when i'm 15 years old.. XD
The wishes :
-DBSK come again after my SPM XP
-Money money money
-My hair can grow up faster
-My skin colour can fade faster
-Get flying colour in every exam (==")
links here=]
Keep smiling even i'm torn..
Keep repeating this song .. Feel like this song are sang for me.. The lyrics like what i feel,what i wan to say..
I know this maybe hard for me.. But i will try my best, Keep smiling even i'm torn.. Acting like nothing even i'm hurt.. Thanks,Sally.. I understand what u r trying to tell me..
For the people that hate me or dislike me: Get off , don't come to my place.. Don't come and read then gossiping behind me.. I know what are u think behind ur fake's faces..
Olivia Lufkin - Winter Sleep Lyrics It keeps coming back to meI remember this painIt spreads across my eyesEverything is dullEveryone's smiling, they're smilingIt pushes me far far awayI can't understandEverything is blueCan you hear me out there?Will you hold me now...? Hold me now, My frozen heartI'm gazing from the distance andI feel everything pass through meI can't be alone right nowWill you hold me now...? Hold me now, My frozen heartI'm lost in a deep winter sleepI can't seem to find my way out aloneCan you wake me?I know when I let it inIt hides love from this momentSo I guard it closeI watch the move it makesBut ir gets me, but it gets meI wish I could understand how ICould make it disappear, make it disappearAnyone out there hear me now?Will you hold me now...? Hold me now, My frozen heartKiss my lips and maybe you can take to your world for nowI can't be alone right nowWill you hold me now...? Hold me now, My frozen heartPlease make it all go awayAm I ever gonna feel myself again?I hope I willWill you hold me now...? Hold me now, My frozen heartI'm gazing from the distance andI feel everything pass through meI can't be alone right nowWill you hold me now...? Hold me now, My frozen heartI'm lost in a deep winter sleepI can't seem to find my way out aloneCan you wake me?
 Not bad ..
I've finish the BM Folio .. burnt the CD .. and planing to pass up tomorrow to get the bonus marks .. XD
Get all the exam's result adi .. Like i said, Add math , Chemis and Physics still diden get pass .. XP But the other subject still not bad ..
Result: BM > 49 (Teacher said she will add marks after we pass up folio >V<) ICT > 75 (Added the 30 marks of the assignment ..)
Really hope that the result can keep it and be better than this times .. haiz .. Only three weeks left for me to face the Pra-SPM ..
(Not enough la TT .. )
×××××× " Prevention is better than cure ?? " Erm .. Right wut~~
My school and my tuition's teacher both had said the same sentences ..^^
Now I wore mask whole day except when i'm in the class .. Cause it's too hot to wear it for a long times..
Wear it and take off , wear it and take off .. Keep repeating like that at the class.. I wonder the prevention is really useless if i do like that .. == ×××××× Tomorrow is SHinn's birthday ^^
So i wish her can get what she wants .. Including the Gucci's perfume~~ XD And get the letter with the good news from Taiwan..
Happy for the 17th Birthday neh ~~ GuaGua~~ ^^
Forever TVXQ .. Forever Cassiopeia ..
Though I can't accept if they really dismiss .. But i'll always support their decision if they really want to do it ..
But for now , I wonder and I believe of them.. Will not make it that worst ..
Cassiopeia and TVXQ .. For now .. And Forever ..
I always believe on it .. Cause we belong to each other .. =]
I wonder..
今天班上冷冷清清.. 最吵的那几个没来 XD 平时热闹闹的5SC2变得好安静..
好多人都病了.. 大家要照顾好身体.. 就在刚刚Sally在msn才告诉我她实习的马大医院也有人确诊了.. 真担心..
前个星期就把ICT assignment做完了.. 现在也在赶BM Folio..
也在那个礼拜弄到Cikgu Fatimah生气了.. 真的很对不起..
虽然我们没有希望, 但你一直都对我们有所期望.. 而且你和我们班的感情最好.. 但我们竟然你气哭了.. 让你对我们很失望..
Really sorry teacher.. We won't do it again.. There's won't be the next times to happen those things.. Sorry cause we let u feel disappointed..
我听说了.. 在过几个月Cikgu Fatimah 就不在我们学校教书了.. 好舍不得..
而且就要毕业了.. 好多人我都好舍不得..TT
拜六那天也和Mary娟娟^^去喝茶.. 好开心.. 也聊了很多~~ 好久没看到美芳了TT 本来有叫她.. 但她还是不得空==
哈哈哈.. 下次吧~~~ 也好久没三个人去唱K了..XD 哇哈哈哈..
我就是看"它"不爽啦.. 算了, 这也不是三天两头的事了..
没关系, 再过几个月就可以不用天天洗眼睛了.. XP
考了三天的小考.. 让我认清了我的level.. 真是不读不行了..
目前分数: BI > 66 Math > 40 Sejarah > 57 Add math > Fail 掉 == Moral > 58 BC > 68 我很想撞墙 ==
BM 和 ICT 应该是明天派.. Chemis 和 Physics就不知道..
派Moral 的时候给老师念了几句 == 本来分数少少都有6或7字头的.. 但少写一些人物进去就变到这种分了==..
我真的对我自己很失望.. 我的华语真的越来越差.. 我是要靠这科来吃A的啊~~
好生气我自己.. 为什么不坚持自己的答案TT 下次考pra, 再没有多过75分.. 我就真的会哭死了TT 呜呜呜呜..
真是糟糕.. 下个月就pra exam了.. 真不懂怎么办好..
看朋友们都开始卯起来读书了.. 我也越来越紧张..
唉.. 还能怎样..