关于 . 秘密 我有自己的一套看法。 对我来说, 从来没有说出口的, 才能真的叫做秘密.. 因为一旦说了出口, 那就再也不叫秘密了.. 不是我完全不相信人,凡是也有例外的.. 只是事实的确如此.. 如果真的是只有你一个知道, 很重要的秘密.. 那就不会告诉人了.. 这才是"秘密"真正的意思.. 每个人都有不止一个这样的"秘密".. 就算他/她再怎么豁达开朗.. 看起来似乎没有秘密.. 其实不然.. 秘密,大家都有.. 大家都心知肚明.. 只是都不愿意戳破罢了.. 我? 当然也会有..××××××× 关于 . 部落格 Blogs is about share.. 在每一次换网址.. 都会犹豫上几天.. 到底要不要公开给现实中的朋友.. 因为现实谣言太多.. 这一秒你po 了上去.. 就没有了下一秒的时间去后悔.. 我是自负、爱面子、怕丢脸的人.. 但想深一层.. 谁不是如此.. 只是看有多少而已..××××××× 从前到现在, 看过好多的部落格.. 就在刚刚, 也才看了一个朋友才刚刚开的部落格.. 他po 的那一篇文章.. 表达了他内心的感情.. 让我有点感触.. 他和他们一样, 都好勇敢.. 他们拥有我没有的"豁出去".. 我没胆把讨厌的、喜欢的, 统统表现出来.. 只因我害怕失去.. 他们让我觉得好钦佩.. 心里想说的.. 就这么表现出来.. 我不知道我会不会也有那么豁达的一天, 但请相信我, 我其实一直都在尝试..
I love this song so much!!! ^^ Well,I didn't like them much before.. Because of some cassopeia's reason la~~^^ And i prefer "Wonder Girls"~~ However, i still listen their songs la.. Their songs really nice.. I just only dislike their behavior and attitude.. But now they have changed la~~ Ok,back!! XD I love them so much because this song!!!! (Much more after i watch this MV) Damn nice!!!! ~~~\(^O^)/~~~ They become so sexy and more pretty.. And i like their style now.. Besides,their English pronunciation is really good.. (I like peoples who pronunciation good.. XP) ^^ By the way,i had watch a show they went.. (The show i've posted it below the MV,name"Music Travel Lalala") One of the member sang Mariah Carey's song,"Hero" wow~really nice~~XD (Back to their album~~XD) The other song in this album also nice~ Like "Etude","Fairytale(My child)","One year later"~~ But i prefer this song(For now la~~^^) Just can't stop listening.. wow~ awesome.. Okay, Hush.. Let's watch it~~ ^^ (Leave a msg for me if u want this song~) Girls' Generation (SNSD) " Tell me your wish (Genie) " Music Travel Lalala[090625] Super Junior with SNSD Part 1/4 Part2/4 Part3/4 Part4/4
I can't bear to see her tears.. Maybe I'm not too close to her..But much enough for me to know her well.. She's a nice and kind person.. I don't understand.. Why they gonna do all this to her!? She's hard enough to keep their love.. Maybe the bitches is so jealous .. But how dare u all!? I felt so angry to seeing all this.. Maybe this is not my business .. But i still wan to curse all u bitches!!!!! Your behavior is really cheap and disgusting..ugh.. For Shi: Hope u will be fine.. U still have a lot of friends and a lovely boyfriend by ur side.. Really hope i can hear the good news from u soon.. Dun care what they said, I trust u had done ur best.. Please don't cry.. My friend..
第100章。 这已经第100张帖了啊~~ 看不见的时间还是一点都不舍得留下呢.. 上星期也和一个好朋友谈了心事.. 也互相开导对方.. 要是有什么做得不好,不对的地方.. 一定要对方坦诚.. 给机会改过.. 但请别在我拿着歌词, 深情地对着回来座位的你, 唱着情歌"My heart will go on"的时候.. 丢给我一粒炸弹.. 真的会炸死我== 都劝你不要冲动..想好好来先的咯~~ 但不管你做了什么决定, 作为你的亲友团, 我也还是会无条件支持你的.. 我真心祝福你, 不过你和他怎么样.. 我还是希望你能幸福..开开心心的..××××××× PLKN我始终还是中了.. 原本定下假期的计划都被迫取消或延迟了.. 我并不想去的。 有种会浪费时间的感觉.. 但既然都已经决定了.. 也不能再改了.. 那就顺其自然吧.. 希望不会让我失望就好了.. 只要那个地方干净和"干净".. 这是我最基本的要求了..××××××× 这几天都在忙ICT Assignment,Addmath project和BM Folio(form5的).. Assignment 15号就要到期了.. 赶!!赶!!赶!!! 还剩scrapbook和今天老师才派的问题之外.. 大致上都完成了.. 这个星期是minggu kokurikulum.. 拜四和拜五就有很多朋友(作为AJK)要进营了.. 希望他们的siasatan没有任何意外啊~~ 真是刺激刺激^^ 拜五的hari kuko应该不怎么热闹吧.. 那么多人不在了.. (其实他们的camp是在学校搞,住学校的 ==) 只是他们玩他们的,我们过我们的咯.. 没上课都不知道要不要去学校好.. 唉..×××××× 最近风很大.. 很冷.. 但却是我最爱的天气^^ 别感冒了, 多穿几件衣服吧.. 真的生病就去看医生.. 要真是H1N1我就恭喜你了.. hohohohoho~~\(^O^)/~~
A more detailed biography here.
Maybe not the most privacy , but always the most detailed. =]
Name 全名 : Kay , xiaoqI/X.qI(YAngxiaoqI)
Places I stay 所在地区 : Malaysia, Melaka ,Tampin
Gender 性别 : Miss
Age 年龄 : 17
Date of Birth 出生日 : 13/12/1992 (Sagittarius) XD
Occupation 职业,学历: Secondary School's Student (Form 5)
School Name : PSSS / SMJKPS
Height 身高 : 152 cm (I know i'm freaky short.. ==)
Weight 体重 : 46-47 KG (Ugh .. So fat ==)
Blood Type 血型: B+
Msn : Ask for it ^^
I Love : Family, Bessie n chums, music, DBSK, laughing, money, brands, drama/movie, shopping, computers, gabbing, starbuck, books, photography, autumn, winter, snow, star and sleeping.
I Hate : Insects, faker, double-faces, vegetable, tears, hot day, sunlight, smoke, get sick, raining when i'm outsides, dirt, dank and dingy meadow,harsh weather, assembly.
The most memorable things : The concert of DBSK when i'm 15 years old.. XD
The wishes :
-DBSK come again after my SPM XP
-Money money money
-My hair can grow up faster
-My skin colour can fade faster
-Get flying colour in every exam (==")
links here=]
关于 . 秘密 我有自己的一套看法。 对我来说, 从来没有说出口的, 才能真的叫做秘密.. 因为一旦说了出口, 那就再也不叫秘密了.. 不是我完全不相信人,凡是也有例外的.. 只是事实的确如此.. 如果真的是只有你一个知道, 很重要的秘密.. 那就不会告诉人了.. 这才是"秘密"真正的意思.. 每个人都有不止一个这样的"秘密".. 就算他/她再怎么豁达开朗.. 看起来似乎没有秘密.. 其实不然.. 秘密,大家都有.. 大家都心知肚明.. 只是都不愿意戳破罢了.. 我? 当然也会有..××××××× 关于 . 部落格 Blogs is about share.. 在每一次换网址.. 都会犹豫上几天.. 到底要不要公开给现实中的朋友.. 因为现实谣言太多.. 这一秒你po 了上去.. 就没有了下一秒的时间去后悔.. 我是自负、爱面子、怕丢脸的人.. 但想深一层.. 谁不是如此.. 只是看有多少而已..××××××× 从前到现在, 看过好多的部落格.. 就在刚刚, 也才看了一个朋友才刚刚开的部落格.. 他po 的那一篇文章.. 表达了他内心的感情.. 让我有点感触.. 他和他们一样, 都好勇敢.. 他们拥有我没有的"豁出去".. 我没胆把讨厌的、喜欢的, 统统表现出来.. 只因我害怕失去.. 他们让我觉得好钦佩.. 心里想说的.. 就这么表现出来.. 我不知道我会不会也有那么豁达的一天, 但请相信我, 我其实一直都在尝试..
I love this song so much!!! ^^ Well,I didn't like them much before.. Because of some cassopeia's reason la~~^^ And i prefer "Wonder Girls"~~ However, i still listen their songs la.. Their songs really nice.. I just only dislike their behavior and attitude.. But now they have changed la~~ Ok,back!! XD I love them so much because this song!!!! (Much more after i watch this MV) Damn nice!!!! ~~~\(^O^)/~~~ They become so sexy and more pretty.. And i like their style now.. Besides,their English pronunciation is really good.. (I like peoples who pronunciation good.. XP) ^^ By the way,i had watch a show they went.. (The show i've posted it below the MV,name"Music Travel Lalala") One of the member sang Mariah Carey's song,"Hero" wow~really nice~~XD (Back to their album~~XD) The other song in this album also nice~ Like "Etude","Fairytale(My child)","One year later"~~ But i prefer this song(For now la~~^^) Just can't stop listening.. wow~ awesome.. Okay, Hush.. Let's watch it~~ ^^ (Leave a msg for me if u want this song~) Girls' Generation (SNSD) " Tell me your wish (Genie) " Music Travel Lalala[090625] Super Junior with SNSD Part 1/4 Part2/4 Part3/4 Part4/4
I can't bear to see her tears.. Maybe I'm not too close to her..But much enough for me to know her well.. She's a nice and kind person.. I don't understand.. Why they gonna do all this to her!? She's hard enough to keep their love.. Maybe the bitches is so jealous .. But how dare u all!? I felt so angry to seeing all this.. Maybe this is not my business .. But i still wan to curse all u bitches!!!!! Your behavior is really cheap and disgusting..ugh.. For Shi: Hope u will be fine.. U still have a lot of friends and a lovely boyfriend by ur side.. Really hope i can hear the good news from u soon.. Dun care what they said, I trust u had done ur best.. Please don't cry.. My friend..
第100章。 这已经第100张帖了啊~~ 看不见的时间还是一点都不舍得留下呢.. 上星期也和一个好朋友谈了心事.. 也互相开导对方.. 要是有什么做得不好,不对的地方.. 一定要对方坦诚.. 给机会改过.. 但请别在我拿着歌词, 深情地对着回来座位的你, 唱着情歌"My heart will go on"的时候.. 丢给我一粒炸弹.. 真的会炸死我== 都劝你不要冲动..想好好来先的咯~~ 但不管你做了什么决定, 作为你的亲友团, 我也还是会无条件支持你的.. 我真心祝福你, 不过你和他怎么样.. 我还是希望你能幸福..开开心心的..××××××× PLKN我始终还是中了.. 原本定下假期的计划都被迫取消或延迟了.. 我并不想去的。 有种会浪费时间的感觉.. 但既然都已经决定了.. 也不能再改了.. 那就顺其自然吧.. 希望不会让我失望就好了.. 只要那个地方干净和"干净".. 这是我最基本的要求了..××××××× 这几天都在忙ICT Assignment,Addmath project和BM Folio(form5的).. Assignment 15号就要到期了.. 赶!!赶!!赶!!! 还剩scrapbook和今天老师才派的问题之外.. 大致上都完成了.. 这个星期是minggu kokurikulum.. 拜四和拜五就有很多朋友(作为AJK)要进营了.. 希望他们的siasatan没有任何意外啊~~ 真是刺激刺激^^ 拜五的hari kuko应该不怎么热闹吧.. 那么多人不在了.. (其实他们的camp是在学校搞,住学校的 ==) 只是他们玩他们的,我们过我们的咯.. 没上课都不知道要不要去学校好.. 唉..×××××× 最近风很大.. 很冷.. 但却是我最爱的天气^^ 别感冒了, 多穿几件衣服吧.. 真的生病就去看医生.. 要真是H1N1我就恭喜你了.. hohohohoho~~\(^O^)/~~