 Clapping n Cheering for the holidays ^^
So how u guys do well?? =]
Well well well,after tomorrow.. We'll be have a rest before we face our exam's result.. ~wow~~\(^0^)/~~wow~ Really relief we can have a peace's holidays before the storm coming.. LOL
So much drama i've seen..
Season 2 of Gossip Girl already till the end.. Well happy ending, again , and again.. Talking about friendship forever~~ I'm so glad that Blair n Chuck finally get together..^^ Extremely happy in the end~~
Georgina really make me so curious~~ How did she get back the money from Poppy?? Why did she wanna study and live with B in NYU??
Did she wanna have some cat fight with B or just only wan to shake a hand and be a great friend??
And who was Serena's dad?? Who was Scott?? How their life after going U??? How Nate and Dan and Jenny and Vanessa and the blar blar blar will be ?? I think NYU will be so much busy for the next year after they came^^ Really excited i wan to know what's going on next..
haiz..felt bored when i realize that.. another year need to be wait for the next season..
 Actually, This is the best couple i prefer.. B & C , S & N.. Just like the beginning when the story start..
From the beginning until now end of the season 2,I still hope that they can get together.. But erm.. Serena and Nate is quite impossible adi.. ugh..Whatever.. I just need to wait..T^T..
Really get bored when not much drama recently.. Damn sien..
Really good songs from Shontelle's album.. Mostly like "T-shirt","Battle cry","Roll it","Stuck with each other","Plastic people".. or i can said the whole album is so nice.. She give me a feel,she's so "Rihanna" type..
Erm.. Keri Hilson's album nice so~
Oh ya, The album of Flo Rida is really make people cheer up!!^^ I do love"Jump","Be on you","Sugar","Available","R.O.O.T.S","Right Round".. and almost the whole album too..XD
Hey,I realise that many songs have really close's name.. Like an example..
"Be with you" - Wilber Pan feat. Akon "Be on you" - Flo Rida feat. Ne-yo "Be without you" - Mary J.Blige
And so much blar blar blar that i've already forget.. Is there's no more other names can use?? This really mess me up..== But at least those song is really nice la~ That's enough lo..
Really sleepy and tired today.. I need to go n sleep to face another two not-so-important subject tomorrow..
(Another post will be post up ASAP)
Recently i really burn the midnight oil to finish "those books".. Not for the exam, n not for the subject.. hehe..XD
I think i will scold by Sally as soon as she read this post.. haha..^^ cause she already so bising when she saw me on my msn or facebook n the other.. now sumore no study when the exam..hoho She always ask :"No need to study arr??Not exam meh??" xp but i noe she's really take care of my result lah~ n really love to laugh at my eng== My eng is really such a joke for her.. = ="
Okay,just ignore about her .. XD
For crying out loud, those books i brought before a couple of months, n until last week,i've only read until the half of the 1st book!!
For that time i buy i really busy for homework,folio,exam,tuition replacement n blar blar blar.. And sometimes i bring it to school but it's really no time to read.. Oni few page's time i can spend the time..
Ya,those book are "The Twilight Saga " by Stephenie Meyer 1.Twilight 2.New Moon 3.Eclipse 4.Breaking Dawn
I think most of all have heard about Twilight.. This movie came out last year.. I dunno why i really love the story..(Love it so much!!^^) Vampire match Human..(Skip the werewolf,i really dislike Jacob) xp
The main character Edward(vampire) is so gorgeous in the books n movie.. so charming..^^ (but he's not tat handsome when see him in pic) xp ,but still are my favorite character la.. hehe^^
For the other couple i like is Jasper n Alice^^ Alice is so lovely n cute.. And for Jasper,Alice's soulmate.. also the one person who so handsome & loving n caring to Alice n the other family^^
The movies is so hard to wait.. For your information.. the movie of new moon(the 2nd one) will come out in November or December.. n the other else will come out next year.. T^T.. Wait until now oni arr,my neck also damn long adi lo.. 囧rz
For now,i'm reading the 4th's book^^ Yapi~~ I think i can finish it in a couple of days~~ haha~~
Oh ya,the bookmark is really cute isn't it?? ^^ Pretty cool,huh?? hehe.. A gift from my lovely cousin who went to Brazil, She's really take care about all of us(all my cousin).. Buy many things every times when she back from other country for job..
Last 2 week she belanja us go eat for celebrate for her birthday n the monther's day.. ^^ N pay for the secret recipe cakes tat i bought.. She's really a big sister for all of us..
Most of my family live in KL and i really worry about the H1N1 .. Damn dangerous..
Hope tat they can be safe especially all of my little nephew n niece ^^
Love all of u, My family!! =]

A(H1N1) 现在已经有超过一个人在Malaysia, 也就是我们这个小小的国家里面detect到了..
目前和那位染病的人同一架MH091班机的人可能还没有这么快能够找到, 然后紧急送院隔离.. 因为有一部分的人已经转机去其他国家.. 有些又还留在大马.. 所以希望大家最好还是呆在家.. 避免在人群很多的地方逗留.. 最尤其是住在靠近市中心的人..
目前得到在资讯是: A(H1N1)带原病人预估大约会有7天以上的传染期.. 小孩子尤其是幼儿可能会有更长的传染期..
要注意卫生安全.. 如果你碰过任何可能遭病毒污染的物体, 然后又揉眼睛、摸口鼻.. 这样可能会被传染病毒..
带原者的咳嗽或喷嚏说产生的飞沫在空中也可能变成传染体.. 目前美国疾管局只知道有些病毒可在某些环境存活2个小时以上, 就像是门把、餐厅桌面、楼梯扶手这些地方..
为了避免, 除了勤洗手, 避免揉眼睛、摸口鼻.. 打喷嚏和咳嗽时要用tissue.. tissue要用完即丢..
没有tissue的话, 也要及时用手遮住口鼻,然后马上洗手(最好用肥皂) 基本上每次咳嗽和打喷嚏都一定要洗手!!
- 发热 - 咳嗽 - 喉咙痛 - 身体疼痛 - 头痛 - 发冷、疲劳 - 腹泻、呕吐
- 呼吸困难或呼吸急促 - 胸闷、腹痛 - 突然打冷颤 - 神智不清 - 持续严重呕吐
- 呼吸急促、呼吸困难 - 皮肤出现青蓝色条状 - 水喝不够 - 神志不清楚、嗜睡、没有互动 - 变得浮躁 - 发烧症状可能舒缓,但是发烧咳嗽更剧烈 - 发烧起疹子
如果没有紧急事件的话.. 尽量还是不要上KL或者下Melaka比较好.. 因为除了A(H1N1)之外.. 脑膜炎也是Malaysia人心惶惶的一个virus..
这种病目前只在Melaka detect到.. 这种virus最远能在一公尺里面传染..
虽然Malaysia和England的卫生部都认为带口罩并不能抵挡这两种virus的散播.. 本人也是蛮赞同的.. 但为了让自己安心也好, 还是去买来带比较好..
大家一定要照顾好自己!! 也希望这种酱够力的病毒能像往常那样不管我们Tampin这个kampung的事情!! 当年的SARS都能没事.. 这次也一定没事的!!
( 此文章全亲自用手打。)

突然发觉好像忘了该怎么.. 去笑..
我到底.. 是什么??
我要的.. 到底又是什么!?
假装看不见.. 却越看越清晰..
假装听不见.. 却又无法隔绝..
那些不属于的.. 是不是该真正放手??
我需要时间沉淀.. 在我再度的找到自己之前.. 请不要来敲破我已经伤痕累累的心..
无法磨灭的裂痕.. 再经不起一颗小石子的敲打..
A more detailed biography here.
Maybe not the most privacy , but always the most detailed. =]
Name 全名 : Kay , xiaoqI/X.qI(YAngxiaoqI)
Places I stay 所在地区 : Malaysia, Melaka ,Tampin
Gender 性别 : Miss
Age 年龄 : 17
Date of Birth 出生日 : 13/12/1992 (Sagittarius) XD
Occupation 职业,学历: Secondary School's Student (Form 5)
School Name : PSSS / SMJKPS
Height 身高 : 152 cm (I know i'm freaky short.. ==)
Weight 体重 : 46-47 KG (Ugh .. So fat ==)
Blood Type 血型: B+
Msn : Ask for it ^^
I Love : Family, Bessie n chums, music, DBSK, laughing, money, brands, drama/movie, shopping, computers, gabbing, starbuck, books, photography, autumn, winter, snow, star and sleeping.
I Hate : Insects, faker, double-faces, vegetable, tears, hot day, sunlight, smoke, get sick, raining when i'm outsides, dirt, dank and dingy meadow,harsh weather, assembly.
The most memorable things : The concert of DBSK when i'm 15 years old.. XD
The wishes :
-DBSK come again after my SPM XP
-Money money money
-My hair can grow up faster
-My skin colour can fade faster
-Get flying colour in every exam (==")
links here=]
 Clapping n Cheering for the holidays ^^
So how u guys do well?? =]
Well well well,after tomorrow.. We'll be have a rest before we face our exam's result.. ~wow~~\(^0^)/~~wow~ Really relief we can have a peace's holidays before the storm coming.. LOL
So much drama i've seen..
Season 2 of Gossip Girl already till the end.. Well happy ending, again , and again.. Talking about friendship forever~~ I'm so glad that Blair n Chuck finally get together..^^ Extremely happy in the end~~
Georgina really make me so curious~~ How did she get back the money from Poppy?? Why did she wanna study and live with B in NYU??
Did she wanna have some cat fight with B or just only wan to shake a hand and be a great friend??
And who was Serena's dad?? Who was Scott?? How their life after going U??? How Nate and Dan and Jenny and Vanessa and the blar blar blar will be ?? I think NYU will be so much busy for the next year after they came^^ Really excited i wan to know what's going on next..
haiz..felt bored when i realize that.. another year need to be wait for the next season..
 Actually, This is the best couple i prefer.. B & C , S & N.. Just like the beginning when the story start..
From the beginning until now end of the season 2,I still hope that they can get together.. But erm.. Serena and Nate is quite impossible adi.. ugh..Whatever.. I just need to wait..T^T..
Really get bored when not much drama recently.. Damn sien..
Really good songs from Shontelle's album.. Mostly like "T-shirt","Battle cry","Roll it","Stuck with each other","Plastic people".. or i can said the whole album is so nice.. She give me a feel,she's so "Rihanna" type..
Erm.. Keri Hilson's album nice so~
Oh ya, The album of Flo Rida is really make people cheer up!!^^ I do love"Jump","Be on you","Sugar","Available","R.O.O.T.S","Right Round".. and almost the whole album too..XD
Hey,I realise that many songs have really close's name.. Like an example..
"Be with you" - Wilber Pan feat. Akon "Be on you" - Flo Rida feat. Ne-yo "Be without you" - Mary J.Blige
And so much blar blar blar that i've already forget.. Is there's no more other names can use?? This really mess me up..== But at least those song is really nice la~ That's enough lo..
Really sleepy and tired today.. I need to go n sleep to face another two not-so-important subject tomorrow..
(Another post will be post up ASAP)
Recently i really burn the midnight oil to finish "those books".. Not for the exam, n not for the subject.. hehe..XD
I think i will scold by Sally as soon as she read this post.. haha..^^ cause she already so bising when she saw me on my msn or facebook n the other.. now sumore no study when the exam..hoho She always ask :"No need to study arr??Not exam meh??" xp but i noe she's really take care of my result lah~ n really love to laugh at my eng== My eng is really such a joke for her.. = ="
Okay,just ignore about her .. XD
For crying out loud, those books i brought before a couple of months, n until last week,i've only read until the half of the 1st book!!
For that time i buy i really busy for homework,folio,exam,tuition replacement n blar blar blar.. And sometimes i bring it to school but it's really no time to read.. Oni few page's time i can spend the time..
Ya,those book are "The Twilight Saga " by Stephenie Meyer 1.Twilight 2.New Moon 3.Eclipse 4.Breaking Dawn
I think most of all have heard about Twilight.. This movie came out last year.. I dunno why i really love the story..(Love it so much!!^^) Vampire match Human..(Skip the werewolf,i really dislike Jacob) xp
The main character Edward(vampire) is so gorgeous in the books n movie.. so charming..^^ (but he's not tat handsome when see him in pic) xp ,but still are my favorite character la.. hehe^^
For the other couple i like is Jasper n Alice^^ Alice is so lovely n cute.. And for Jasper,Alice's soulmate.. also the one person who so handsome & loving n caring to Alice n the other family^^
The movies is so hard to wait.. For your information.. the movie of new moon(the 2nd one) will come out in November or December.. n the other else will come out next year.. T^T.. Wait until now oni arr,my neck also damn long adi lo.. 囧rz
For now,i'm reading the 4th's book^^ Yapi~~ I think i can finish it in a couple of days~~ haha~~
Oh ya,the bookmark is really cute isn't it?? ^^ Pretty cool,huh?? hehe.. A gift from my lovely cousin who went to Brazil, She's really take care about all of us(all my cousin).. Buy many things every times when she back from other country for job..
Last 2 week she belanja us go eat for celebrate for her birthday n the monther's day.. ^^ N pay for the secret recipe cakes tat i bought.. She's really a big sister for all of us..
Most of my family live in KL and i really worry about the H1N1 .. Damn dangerous..
Hope tat they can be safe especially all of my little nephew n niece ^^
Love all of u, My family!! =]

A(H1N1) 现在已经有超过一个人在Malaysia, 也就是我们这个小小的国家里面detect到了..
目前和那位染病的人同一架MH091班机的人可能还没有这么快能够找到, 然后紧急送院隔离.. 因为有一部分的人已经转机去其他国家.. 有些又还留在大马.. 所以希望大家最好还是呆在家.. 避免在人群很多的地方逗留.. 最尤其是住在靠近市中心的人..
目前得到在资讯是: A(H1N1)带原病人预估大约会有7天以上的传染期.. 小孩子尤其是幼儿可能会有更长的传染期..
要注意卫生安全.. 如果你碰过任何可能遭病毒污染的物体, 然后又揉眼睛、摸口鼻.. 这样可能会被传染病毒..
带原者的咳嗽或喷嚏说产生的飞沫在空中也可能变成传染体.. 目前美国疾管局只知道有些病毒可在某些环境存活2个小时以上, 就像是门把、餐厅桌面、楼梯扶手这些地方..
为了避免, 除了勤洗手, 避免揉眼睛、摸口鼻.. 打喷嚏和咳嗽时要用tissue.. tissue要用完即丢..
没有tissue的话, 也要及时用手遮住口鼻,然后马上洗手(最好用肥皂) 基本上每次咳嗽和打喷嚏都一定要洗手!!
- 发热 - 咳嗽 - 喉咙痛 - 身体疼痛 - 头痛 - 发冷、疲劳 - 腹泻、呕吐
- 呼吸困难或呼吸急促 - 胸闷、腹痛 - 突然打冷颤 - 神智不清 - 持续严重呕吐
- 呼吸急促、呼吸困难 - 皮肤出现青蓝色条状 - 水喝不够 - 神志不清楚、嗜睡、没有互动 - 变得浮躁 - 发烧症状可能舒缓,但是发烧咳嗽更剧烈 - 发烧起疹子
如果没有紧急事件的话.. 尽量还是不要上KL或者下Melaka比较好.. 因为除了A(H1N1)之外.. 脑膜炎也是Malaysia人心惶惶的一个virus..
这种病目前只在Melaka detect到.. 这种virus最远能在一公尺里面传染..
虽然Malaysia和England的卫生部都认为带口罩并不能抵挡这两种virus的散播.. 本人也是蛮赞同的.. 但为了让自己安心也好, 还是去买来带比较好..
大家一定要照顾好自己!! 也希望这种酱够力的病毒能像往常那样不管我们Tampin这个kampung的事情!! 当年的SARS都能没事.. 这次也一定没事的!!
( 此文章全亲自用手打。)

突然发觉好像忘了该怎么.. 去笑..
我到底.. 是什么??
我要的.. 到底又是什么!?
假装看不见.. 却越看越清晰..
假装听不见.. 却又无法隔绝..
那些不属于的.. 是不是该真正放手??
我需要时间沉淀.. 在我再度的找到自己之前.. 请不要来敲破我已经伤痕累累的心..
无法磨灭的裂痕.. 再经不起一颗小石子的敲打..