Hohoho.. Merry X'mas^^
现在已经过了12点.. 现在的这一秒.. 就是圣诞节啦~~~^^
我一直都很喜欢平安夜和圣诞节。 就算现在我不是基督教,也不是天主教, 但也很开心迎接这个日子。
一直超喜欢这些气氛~^^ 不止这些, 所有的,包括万圣节那些。
其实我最喜欢的, 就是它的气氛,普天同庆的日子, 可以和家人朋友一起过, 今年没有人开party, 蛮闷的.. tampin就是比较少这些吧..
看到sally来告诉我, eve要去朋友家party.. 就好心酸..
不过不要紧, ^^ 这里气氛还是很好。
下次要找个机会, 和朋友去葡萄牙村过圣诞^^ 不错的提议把?? 呵呵呵..
最近的天气真的很冷啊~ 大家要多穿一件。
虽然是这样, 但要是一年到头都是这样的天气就好了..
虽然我怕冷, 但更讨厌热啊~~xp 希望这种气氛能一直延续下去。
还有6天就是09年, 在多一个月就过年了.. 别着凉啊~
要健健康康的过完这些假期^^ 而且, 对我来说, 可能是最后一个无忧无虑的年了。
过完明年17岁, 就要毕业了啊~ =]
圣诞节前夕; 圣诞节你怎么过??^^
上KL的两个星期, 去了好多好多的地方shopping, 买了很多书来看.. 但始终找不到twilight.. 听说中文版的翻译的不是很好, 而且twilight还有接下去那一套的其他三本, sally也收集完了..
买了很多衣服(大多是T-shirt), 也买了鞋子, 但裤子才买了一件, 还是短裤==
花了好多好多的钱T^T.. 本来打算买psp的, 但还是放弃了, 单单上KL买东西就快花掉一半预算T^T.. 还有很多东西需要买..
motor lesen我也不是很想考了.. 明年考了车就算了..
回来之后要减肥了。 囧rz本来假期就胖了不少, 再加上在KL吃了很多好吃的, 又缺乏运动.. haiz..
真的很懒惰, 没办法写完两个星期的行程, 我会累死.. 懒==
因为这次只有我一个人上, 妹妹都在tampin.. 有点可惜.. 就连去red box唱K也才只有我和两个堂姐而已.. (还有一个也是很想去的,但需要工作..lol) 我们都很幸福还在读书, 不需要工作嘛.. 大学都毕业了的人当然需要努力找钱咯lol
妹妹一直问我明年要不要一起去, 明年这个时候我已经毕业了, 妹妹也升中一, 但不知到那两个一个要读college, 一个在读大学的人的假期有没有撞到我们的..
她们的时间表常常和我们的掉转, 我们上课她们放假; 我们放假他们上课。
今年很好彩sally刚考完就放假, 可以带我们^^
打搅了,谢谢你~ 谢谢你的petro^^ 哈哈哈哈哈哈..
*Sally,那天我们聊的建议我跟妹妹说了, 看明年有时间的话, 我们去sunway 游水^^加shopping.. 看看我的泳姿有没有进步LOL (没有溺死就不错了..囧..)
还有两天就圣诞节了.. 你怎么过呢?? =]

Guess where am i ??
^^ I'm now juz using my cousin laptop.. so cannot explain in chinese detaily.. cuz she dun have any chinese pinyin software tat i usually like to use.. so,dun so are about my Eng grammar or whatever!!! i'm trying to type my best adi!!! promise me ok?? ok,so now did u noe where i am??^^ i'm at shah alam tonight but PJ last night..^^ my cousin(i usually call her sis^^ ) tat who live with PJ with her frez bring me up on sunday evening to her house.. (her frez who live in the same room didn't come back so have place to let me sleep yay^^lucky) Juz because today,Monday (hari raya) was a holiday for her, so she bring me to shopping^^ opps, forgot adi^^ last night she bring me to Jaya One ,the lasted open de 海螺餐厅^^ jus because is the new one,so very clean n nice~~^^ the foods n drinks also quite yummy^^ u can go there to try then if u'r so so lucky, u can meet some artis at there~~^^ yup,there r the place tat hailuo artis like Goft&Mike,by2 or else come before, juz because they have tat call wut ''let's eat music'' de program, so they invite the artis go to sing.. Starbucks n secret reciple was no going in the same night because dun have time adi .. T^T.. But today, i go 1 U shopping..^^ i didn't buy so much things,but my sis was.. haiz.. our taste was totally diffrent=='' (our age also totally diffrent xP)
so she buy many shirt but i'm not T^T.. but i still use many money today to buy a pair of shoes.. (tat shoe i wear to shopping make my leg very pain!!!) so i must buy 1 shoes in emengency!!T^T..
but still can't find any shoes tat i like..T^T to wear for chinese new year.. T-T..
The mostly i use the money is buy things in SASA.. i buy such things tat was about more than..rm100..T^T.. just because the BB cream.. quite expensive!!!!!! my heart was so hurt...T^T.. but i still love SASA ^^
Oh ya, at the lunch time, we go 旺角茶餐厅to take our lunch^^ after take the lunch we full until cannot eat dinner== we start shopping from 2.30pm until 9.30pm also cannot finish, but our legs feel just wan to broken!!=='' after shopping, she take my to shah alam,my another cousin's house because she need to start to work tomorrow liao~~ then my shah alam cousin was busy always, so dunno when can go shopping again.. but they inform me they wil bring me go mid valley tis sat^^ yippi^^
At the finally, i wan to said thank you to my PJ cousin tat spend many time to bring me every where~ thank u,seh yin~~ =] i love u~ XD
A more detailed biography here.
Maybe not the most privacy , but always the most detailed. =]
Name 全名 : Kay , xiaoqI/X.qI(YAngxiaoqI)
Places I stay 所在地区 : Malaysia, Melaka ,Tampin
Gender 性别 : Miss
Age 年龄 : 17
Date of Birth 出生日 : 13/12/1992 (Sagittarius) XD
Occupation 职业,学历: Secondary School's Student (Form 5)
School Name : PSSS / SMJKPS
Height 身高 : 152 cm (I know i'm freaky short.. ==)
Weight 体重 : 46-47 KG (Ugh .. So fat ==)
Blood Type 血型: B+
Msn : Ask for it ^^
I Love : Family, Bessie n chums, music, DBSK, laughing, money, brands, drama/movie, shopping, computers, gabbing, starbuck, books, photography, autumn, winter, snow, star and sleeping.
I Hate : Insects, faker, double-faces, vegetable, tears, hot day, sunlight, smoke, get sick, raining when i'm outsides, dirt, dank and dingy meadow,harsh weather, assembly.
The most memorable things : The concert of DBSK when i'm 15 years old.. XD
The wishes :
-DBSK come again after my SPM XP
-Money money money
-My hair can grow up faster
-My skin colour can fade faster
-Get flying colour in every exam (==")
links here=]
Hohoho.. Merry X'mas^^
现在已经过了12点.. 现在的这一秒.. 就是圣诞节啦~~~^^
我一直都很喜欢平安夜和圣诞节。 就算现在我不是基督教,也不是天主教, 但也很开心迎接这个日子。
一直超喜欢这些气氛~^^ 不止这些, 所有的,包括万圣节那些。
其实我最喜欢的, 就是它的气氛,普天同庆的日子, 可以和家人朋友一起过, 今年没有人开party, 蛮闷的.. tampin就是比较少这些吧..
看到sally来告诉我, eve要去朋友家party.. 就好心酸..
不过不要紧, ^^ 这里气氛还是很好。
下次要找个机会, 和朋友去葡萄牙村过圣诞^^ 不错的提议把?? 呵呵呵..
最近的天气真的很冷啊~ 大家要多穿一件。
虽然是这样, 但要是一年到头都是这样的天气就好了..
虽然我怕冷, 但更讨厌热啊~~xp 希望这种气氛能一直延续下去。
还有6天就是09年, 在多一个月就过年了.. 别着凉啊~
要健健康康的过完这些假期^^ 而且, 对我来说, 可能是最后一个无忧无虑的年了。
过完明年17岁, 就要毕业了啊~ =]
圣诞节前夕; 圣诞节你怎么过??^^
上KL的两个星期, 去了好多好多的地方shopping, 买了很多书来看.. 但始终找不到twilight.. 听说中文版的翻译的不是很好, 而且twilight还有接下去那一套的其他三本, sally也收集完了..
买了很多衣服(大多是T-shirt), 也买了鞋子, 但裤子才买了一件, 还是短裤==
花了好多好多的钱T^T.. 本来打算买psp的, 但还是放弃了, 单单上KL买东西就快花掉一半预算T^T.. 还有很多东西需要买..
motor lesen我也不是很想考了.. 明年考了车就算了..
回来之后要减肥了。 囧rz本来假期就胖了不少, 再加上在KL吃了很多好吃的, 又缺乏运动.. haiz..
真的很懒惰, 没办法写完两个星期的行程, 我会累死.. 懒==
因为这次只有我一个人上, 妹妹都在tampin.. 有点可惜.. 就连去red box唱K也才只有我和两个堂姐而已.. (还有一个也是很想去的,但需要工作..lol) 我们都很幸福还在读书, 不需要工作嘛.. 大学都毕业了的人当然需要努力找钱咯lol
妹妹一直问我明年要不要一起去, 明年这个时候我已经毕业了, 妹妹也升中一, 但不知到那两个一个要读college, 一个在读大学的人的假期有没有撞到我们的..
她们的时间表常常和我们的掉转, 我们上课她们放假; 我们放假他们上课。
今年很好彩sally刚考完就放假, 可以带我们^^
打搅了,谢谢你~ 谢谢你的petro^^ 哈哈哈哈哈哈..
*Sally,那天我们聊的建议我跟妹妹说了, 看明年有时间的话, 我们去sunway 游水^^加shopping.. 看看我的泳姿有没有进步LOL (没有溺死就不错了..囧..)
还有两天就圣诞节了.. 你怎么过呢?? =]

Guess where am i ??
^^ I'm now juz using my cousin laptop.. so cannot explain in chinese detaily.. cuz she dun have any chinese pinyin software tat i usually like to use.. so,dun so are about my Eng grammar or whatever!!! i'm trying to type my best adi!!! promise me ok?? ok,so now did u noe where i am??^^ i'm at shah alam tonight but PJ last night..^^ my cousin(i usually call her sis^^ ) tat who live with PJ with her frez bring me up on sunday evening to her house.. (her frez who live in the same room didn't come back so have place to let me sleep yay^^lucky) Juz because today,Monday (hari raya) was a holiday for her, so she bring me to shopping^^ opps, forgot adi^^ last night she bring me to Jaya One ,the lasted open de 海螺餐厅^^ jus because is the new one,so very clean n nice~~^^ the foods n drinks also quite yummy^^ u can go there to try then if u'r so so lucky, u can meet some artis at there~~^^ yup,there r the place tat hailuo artis like Goft&Mike,by2 or else come before, juz because they have tat call wut ''let's eat music'' de program, so they invite the artis go to sing.. Starbucks n secret reciple was no going in the same night because dun have time adi .. T^T.. But today, i go 1 U shopping..^^ i didn't buy so much things,but my sis was.. haiz.. our taste was totally diffrent=='' (our age also totally diffrent xP)
so she buy many shirt but i'm not T^T.. but i still use many money today to buy a pair of shoes.. (tat shoe i wear to shopping make my leg very pain!!!) so i must buy 1 shoes in emengency!!T^T..
but still can't find any shoes tat i like..T^T to wear for chinese new year.. T-T..
The mostly i use the money is buy things in SASA.. i buy such things tat was about more than..rm100..T^T.. just because the BB cream.. quite expensive!!!!!! my heart was so hurt...T^T.. but i still love SASA ^^
Oh ya, at the lunch time, we go 旺角茶餐厅to take our lunch^^ after take the lunch we full until cannot eat dinner== we start shopping from 2.30pm until 9.30pm also cannot finish, but our legs feel just wan to broken!!=='' after shopping, she take my to shah alam,my another cousin's house because she need to start to work tomorrow liao~~ then my shah alam cousin was busy always, so dunno when can go shopping again.. but they inform me they wil bring me go mid valley tis sat^^ yippi^^
At the finally, i wan to said thank you to my PJ cousin tat spend many time to bring me every where~ thank u,seh yin~~ =] i love u~ XD